Real Estate

Joan Bruggink in Inman

Lesson Learned: Stop focusing on the one-hit wonders For Miami real estate agent Joan Bruggink, your network is your most valuable asset. Stop playing to those one and done deals and start nurturing your sphere. Having grown up in the Netherlands, Miami Beach real estate agent Joan Bruggink developed a keen interest in nature and sustainability that still informs her work, with its focus on modern...

Joan Bruggink in South Florida Agent Magazine

Read the exclusive Joan Bruggink Interview with South Florida Agent Magazine What was your most interesting job before going into real estate? I worked for a developer in The Netherlands and was stationed onsite at a project in Suriname, South America, for three months. I was 20 years old, and it was definitely one of the most eye-opening and life changing experiences of my...

South East Florida Climate Summit 2022

Cheers to a successful "SouthEast Florida Climate Summit 2022" What an amazing summit! 2 days packed with interesting panels and amazing speakers! We had people from all over the US and even some international guests covering mind blowing facts, opportunities, solutions, innovations etc. I was representing One Sotheby's as a real estate broker. It was interesting how most panels were covering the real...